Thursday, October 8, 2009


I have realized that a lot of my time is wasted. I feel like I need to take that energy that I simply burn and put it towards something productive. Perhaps clearing out the many thoughts that come to my head would be a good way to spend my time.'s word of the day today is Fooforaw:

FOO-fuh-raw\ , noun:
1. Excessive or flashy ornamentation or decoration.
2. A fuss over a matter of little importance.

It's fate I tell you. This blog will mainly be my random thoughts that I will probably be very dramatic about but actually mean little to anyone other than me.

My time is typically spent avoiding what I actually have to do. I am avoiding:
  • Editing my paper for my US cultural memory class
  • Reading US foreign policy articles 43-47
  • Reading for Comparative Politics the driest text book I have ever had
  • Planning for my Sunday School Class and the new Arabic book that I have been forced to use (this angers me)
So as you can see, I have a lot to avoid. Mainly, I think I am also avoiding sleep. I was listening to a story on NPR that basically said that we need to change our perception of sleep as a society. Today, we see sleep as for weak people. The more time spent sleeping, the more time we feel is wasted. I think I have that perception hard wired in me as well. If I sleep, I am losing time to be doing anything else (productive or not). I also think that being surrounded by people all day, late at night is my own personal 'me' time. I don't want to waste that special time SLEEPING.

Now that we have established why I need a blog. We can move on to all of my future foofaraws.

Currently Watching: How I Met Your Mother Season 4 Episode 7

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