Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Flight in 1 MONTH!

I decided to revive my forgotten blog. Instead of my random whims, I will record my thoughts and ideas leading up to my EPIC Middle East summer travels and adventures to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the West Bank.

As of tomorrow, my family and I will have one more month before we board a VERY long flight over seas. Despite having a paper and 2 finals, I can't help searching for student blogs in the West Bank. I am getting very excited and already planning the places I want to visit.

* Freedom Theatre in Jenin
* A soap factory in Nablus
* Jenin Camp
* Ibraheemi Mosque in Hebron
* Ramallah (everywhere!)
* our old home in Jericho
* Beir Zeit University
* An-Najah university with my dad so he can show where he studied/worked/etc.

My list keeps growing and I can't wait. I am worried that with the amount of family I have in my small village, I won't be able to go off and do what I want. I will try my best though.

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